Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Quote Tag: Day Three

Finally, the grand conclusion to the quote tag!
Please, excuse me a moment, while I run and try to find a good quote.



*hours later*
Alright, I'll admit it. This is not some famous quote by some famous person, but by my very own brother. I'm stealing this from his novel, which is he currently working on. I don't actually know his interpretation of his own quote, but I'm sure he willwon't mind me putting my two cents in.

I think, even at first glance, the meaning behind it is pretty clear. It's talking about the importance of light in darkness.

It's calling us to take courage. In my opinion, darkness only makes light brighter. After all, you can only see the stars at night. Darkness grows and stretches ever farther in this broken world, but that's only due to light's absence. Darkness is not a thing. It does not shine. It's a vacuum.

This is a time to hold fast. To cling dearly to everything this world was founded upon. We cannot freely accept the loss of any of the fundamental traditions that form the bedrock of society. Every step we fall is another mountain to overcome. Every loss is another light smothered. The sun cannot be extinguished, but the world can turn away from it. 

Sure, light can be restored, but have you ever tried lighting a candle in the dark? 

To us who live in the light, our actions may seem small and incomparable to the glory of the Lord, but remember those who live in the darkness. Even the smallest act of charity may appear great to them. Now is the time for unconditional love. A single spark can set a heart on fire. Being kind and patient does not apply only to our friends. When's the last time you smiled at a stranger, or the world in general? 

Don't be discouraged at the darkness. Mourn for the lack of light, but forget not to provide your own illumination. 

Even then, do not worry. We're not meant to shine. We're meant to reflect the light.

The Light of the Son.


Alright, that's it for me! Thank you all for reading, I really enjoyed this tag! Once again, thanks Jonathan!

Did you enjoy it? What was your favorite quote? I'm off to enjoy this beautiful afternoon before it rains all week. Do you have any fun plans for the day/week?

Anyhows, I'll see you all later!


  1. I really liked reading your analysis of the quotes, Thomas. It was super in-depth, loved it! :)
    My favourite quote would probably be the G.K. Chesterton one "An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered. . ."

    1. Thanks, I really enjoyed doing something new!

      Yes, Chesterton is always great. Have you read any of his works? I forget to mention in the post. The quote came from "On Running After One's Hat and Other Whimsies" It's a humorous but thought-provoking read, which is a good combination, in my opinion.

    2. No, I haven't read any of his works. I found a book of his in our bookshelf a few days ago when I was combing through to find a book I hadn't read yet...so I might try that one! :D


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