Sunday, August 21, 2016

One Step at a Time

Do you ever feel like you're wandering? 

As if you're heading for the right destination, but you just don't quite know the way. 

For me, I've been a person who has a lot of dreams and ambitions. I like knowing what I want to do with my life, after I leave school. I've got it all figured out. I'll be a Church Organist/Film Composer/Independent Artist/Husband/Blogger who's Financially Stable and Deeply Spiritual. 

To be perfectly honest, that's the first time I've ever typed it out. Doesn't it look all nice and neat? The problem is, so far, I've figured out what I want to do with my life. Now, I need to figure out what God has planned for my life. And that's what's scary.

'Cause God doesn't really fit into our neat boxes, labels, and to-do lists. I don't know about you, but it seems God has a tendency to throw a well-placed and quite necessary wrench into our orderly plans. These plans are not just wishful thinking, they're tightly held dreams that, in my case, have become partial realities. Of that list previously mentioned, four out of five of them are already true to my life. I do play organ for Church, I do compose music for films, I have started to release my music, and, obviously, I've become a blogger. (But no, I'm not married yet! ;) 

But those are things I do now, am I meant to continue with them for the next 50 years? Will I really still be blogging when I'm 65? (Which, incidentally, would come out to be 2,600 blog posts, if I posted every week.) 

Even now, it can be a struggle just trying to juggle everything together. And sometimes I just want to give up. And maybe I should, because I'm having trouble seeing which way I should go. 

Wouldn't it be easier if God just came out and told us what to do with our lives? A nice detailed overview of our vocation, career, who we should marry or whether we should at all, how long we have to live, what is necessary to stay on the right track to heaven, that all came as a package deal, along with our birth certificate and social security number.  

And He could, if He wanted to. After all, God is all-powerful. Unfortunately, we have a tendency to forget that God is also all-wise. All gifts that God gives are blessings and all gifts that He doesn't give are blessings just the same. 

Sometimes, God will say yes to our prayers. Other times, He will say no, but only because He wants to say yes to something greater. 

God doesn't give us a cheat sheet to life for the same reason He only gives us our "Daily Bread." Have you ever noticed that? We never pray, "Give us today, our yearly supply of bread...", but rather, only bread for the day. There's a reason for that and it's a good one. 

If God did give us His plan for our life, we would both lose our greatest strength and glorify our greatest weakness. We would forfeit our dependence on God, so that we could rely solely on the gift, not the Giver. God did not make life to be a treasure hunt, where He'd give us a map and turn us on our merry way. Life was meant to be journey between us and God. The Lover and the Beloved. 

If God gave us a lifetime supply of bread, then we would have no further need of Him for our daily sustenance. If we have been given directions, how would we ever turn to the Way, that is Christ?

 We weren't meant to teach ourselves, to just figure it out on our own. The whole point of existence is to know God! It's not to do all the "right" things, to have it all figured out. Living Christianity means living for Christ. All Christ wants is for us to have that critical relationship with Him, otherwise, nothing makes sense! If we had a truly, pure, total, self-giving love for God, we wouldn't find our trials and tribulations sacrificial or hard to bear. 

If we're madly enthusiastic about something, do we feel hardship because we must give up something lesser in order to enjoy it fully? 

God created us for to know, to love, and to serve Him and to be with Him forever in Heaven.

He gets us there by simply taking us by the hand and leading you and me home. 

One step at a time.   


  1. One step at a time. Amen. That's something so hard to come to peace with. I want so badly for God to just sit me down and tell me what things I'm doing right and what things I'm doing wrong and what I need to pursue and what I need to let go and just TELL ME SO I CAN KNOW FOR SURE WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO, GOD. But that's not how He works, and you just have to trust that He will guide you, if you know how to look for His hand in your life. We just have to keep our eyes, and hearts, open to Him so we can see His hand pointing and nudging and guiding us to where He's planned.

    1. I know, it can be so challenging to accept that we can't always know God's will in a direct, obvious manner. But that's why we have faith! I've read that God shows His way in a thousand different signs spread subtly throughout our life, not with one great, unmistakable sign. It's up to us to keep ourselves open to His promptings, wherever they may be found.

  2. I find myself struggling with this often. I start thinking "I just wish I knew how everything turns out!". But, like you said, that's not how God works! That would take away our daily need to put faith and trust wholly in Him, which is a vital part of us growing a relationship with Him in the first place.

    I guess I should introduce myself a bit and my random comment so I don't look too creepy. XD I'm a newer subscriber (is that the right word?) to your blog, and I found yours through blogger friends. I'm part of a large, homeschooling family as well. So, yeah! You have a very nice blog! -Abbie C.

    1. Hey Abbie!

      Yes, it can be a struggle, but at the same time, I find it can be freeing. We don't have to worry about what may happen or whether we're strong enough, we just need to follow the path immediately before us. We can just focus on what God wants us to do, right now, and when we're ready, He'll show us the next step.

      Thanks for subscribing! (I'm pretty sure that's a good word to describe it.) Yes, homeschoolers unite! :P I'm glad you like it! :)


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